Quality Connections: Our Rigorous Candidate Screening Process

At rishtacorner™, we understand the significance of finding a life partner who aligns with your values, beliefs, and aspirations. That's why we meticulously pre-screen and vet all candidates who participate in our rishta events.Our screening process is thorough and comprehensive, designed to ensure that only genuine and sincere individuals are part of our events. We verify each candidate's identity, background, and intentions to create a safe and trustworthy environment for everyone involved.Our team employs various methods, including background checks and interviews, to assess each candidate's compatibility and suitability for our matrimonial platform. We prioritize qualities such as honesty, integrity, and commitment to facilitate meaningful connections and successful matches.Rest assured, when you participate in our event, you'll have the confidence of knowing that every candidate has undergone a rigorous screening process, enhancing your chances of finding your perfect match.


Your Privacy Matters: Confidentiality at Every Step

Privacy and confidentiality are paramount at rishtacorner™. We understand the sensitivity and importance of your personal information, which is why we have stringent measures in place to protect your privacy throughout the entire even.One of our core principles is the protection of your identity. At our events, no names are released, and participants have the option to use pseudonyms or identifiers to maintain anonymity. This ensures that you can interact with potential matches comfortably and securely, without the pressure of disclosing personal details prematurely.Furthermore, we prioritize your comfort and security by enforcing a strict no-camera policy at our events. This means that your interactions remain private and are not recorded or photographed in any way. You can engage in meaningful conversations and connections with peace of mind, knowing that your privacy is safeguarded at all times.At rishtacorner™, your privacy isn't just a priority – it's a commitment. We strive to create a confidential and respectful environment where you can explore potential matches confidently and discreetly, without compromising your privacy or security.

Exclusivity for Participants

Mom and Dad, Relax in the Backseat - We've Got the Wheel!

We prioritize creating a comfortable and conducive environment for participants to interact and connect authentically. Therefore, we have made the decision not to allow parents to participate in 1-on-1 discussions. Allowing participants to engage in us supervising conversations and interactions enables them to express themselves freely and make informed decisions based on their own preferences and values.Seperate space is available for parents who wish to accompany their children at the event. Please contact us for more details.As organizers, we take our responsibility seriously in upholding the principles of our faith throughout the event. By facilitating interactions exclusively among participants, we ensure that the event adheres to the guidelines and teachings of our religion regarding modesty, privacy, and respectful interaction between genders.While parents are not present in meetings, rest assured that our team of experienced and dedicated organizers will be present to oversee and facilitate the proceedings. We are committed to creating a safe, respectful, and enriching environment where participants can engage in meaningful conversations while adhering to the principles of our faith.


HIGHWAY 7 / 404






  • FEMALES: AGES 18 TO 40

  • MALES: 22 TO 40






    Established in 2015, rishtacorner™ is an independent platform offering matrimonial services to members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Islam. With the grace and blessings of Allah, our platform has succesfully helped over 900 candidates find love.Our mobile app platform offers a safe and private way for families seeking rishtas engage with other families also searching.We aim to adhere to Jamaat tradition in our execution and are committed to complying with any instructions offerred by Jamaat.


    Do I have to have a registered proflle on the rishtacorner™ to attend?
    No but preference will be given to those registered candidates

    How did the last rishtacorner™ go?
    Our last event comprised of 30 candidates, a smaller format than we expect this event to be. It went surprisingly well, given it was our first event. Alhmadollah, there have been successful marriages since that event. It has taken us some time since then to plan this event as there were a lot of areas we needed to improve on.

    What will the ratio be of males to females and what is the expected attendance?
    We expect anything from 50 to 100 candidates to attend the event. We aim to maintain a 1:1 ratio of males to females

    If I register, am I guaranteed a spot?
    Registering for our event does not guarantee a spot. We aim to maintain a balanced ratio of males and females, as well as an appropriate distribution across age groups to facilitate meaningful interactions. If space is limited and some individuals are unable to attend, we prioritize their attendance at our next event, Insha'Allah.

    Why is there an entry fee to the event?
    As a social not-for-profit enterprise, rishtacorner™ relies heavily on personal donations from our team members to operate. Anticipating event costs ranging from $50 to $75, we'll request a partial contribution from attendees for entry. However, we understand financial constraints and will waive entry fees for those in need to ensure inclusivity.

    Will Dinner Be Served?
    Certainly! We're excited to offer a sumptuous Indian/Pakistani buffet for all attendees. While the menu details are being finalized, you can expect mouthwatering options such as Fish Pakora, Biryani, Butter Chicken, Chana or Mixed Vegetables or Palak/Mutter Paneer, Tandoori Naan, Garden Salad, Mint Chutney, and a selection of delightful desserts like Kheer, Fruit Trifle, Gulab Jamun, Gajar Halwa, Ras Malai, or Fruit Pudding.
    It's important to note that dinner will be arranged separately for males and females, providing an opportunity for fostering new friendships in a comfortable setting.

    What do I do if I notice someoone who I have previously been in discussion with?
    We request you to immediately speak to one of the moderators. We wiill ensure you are not set-up with meetings with the individual in question

    Why are those over 40 not being registered at this event
    For what may be a number of reasons, our platform rarely attracts members over 40 years of age. We are keeping the age range a little narrow to ensure that participants have the best chance of finding compatible matches within a similar demographic range. This focus allows us to optimize the matchmaking process and enhance the overall experience for all attendee

    Should I come with high expectations?
    While we encourage optimism and enthusiasm, it's important to approach the event with realistic expectations. Remember the importance of sabr (patience) and tawakkul (reliance on Allah), as these qualities can guide you through the journey of finding a life partner. Stay resilient and avoid giving up, as every interaction is a chance to explore possibilities and trust in Allah's plan for you. Rest assured, we will do our utmost to ensure you have a positive experience, and we aim to continue organizing future events to support our community in their search for companionship.

    What is the dress code for the event?
    Our dress code is formal to ensure a respectful and elegant atmosphere in attendees 1-on-1 rishta discussions. We encourage attendees to dress well and groom themselves appropriately as it enhances the overall experience and reflects the seriousness with which they approach this important endeavor. Your attire sets the tone for the event and contributes to a positive and respectful environment.

    Are females expected to do purdah?
    Observing purdah is respectfully requested at our event to uphold the values of modesty and privacy cherished within our community. By adhering to purdah, attendees contribute to a comfortable and respectful environment where individuals can interact freely and respectfully. This practice fosters a sense of dignity and mutual respect among participants, allowing them to focus on meaningful conversations and connections without distractions. Your cooperation in observing purdah is appreciated and contributes to the overall atmosphere of reverence and mutual respect

    How Can Discussions Be Continued After the Event?
    Moderators play a crucial role in ensuring the smooth running of the event and fostering positive experiences for all participants. Acting as facilitators, they oversee interactions, ensuring adherence to event guidelines. Following 1-on-1 meetings, moderators will gather decisions from both parties regarding continuing discussions post-event. If requested by both parties, moderators will facilitate connections between candidate families. It's important to note that exchanging contact information directly between candidates is strictly prohibited. Violations may result in removal from the event and future registration.

    If I register and do not attend can I get a refund?
    The issue of not attending is not of financial loss but the lost opportunity for someone who may have registered but was not invited due to limited space. Please please only confirm attendance if you are 100% sure you will attending. Non-attendance will bar people from all future events and app registration. We will not issue refunds but will use the funds to offset our costs.

    I had signed an NDA (non-disclosure agreement) at the last event - will I be expected to sign one again?
    Absolutely, maintaining privacy is paramount in our rishta discussions. As part of our commitment to confidentiality, we do require all attendees to sign an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) at each event. This ensures that all participants understand and respect the privacy of others they may encounter. We appreciate your cooperation in upholding this essential aspect of our events.

    Will cellphones be allowed at the event?
    Strictly no. We prioritize creating a distraction-free environment conducive to meaningful interactions. Attendees will be asked to hand over their phones before entering the facility. However, members may provide our moderator phone numbers to their families in case of emergencies. This policy ensures a focused and respectful atmosphere throughout the event, allowing participants to fully engage in the matrimonial process.

    Who are the moderators
    Moderators will be married individuals who have volunteered to oversee the event proceedings and ensure that all participants have a positive and respectful experience. They are dedicated members of our community committed to upholding the values and guidelines of our matrimonial events. Rest assured, they are non-judgmental and will maintain strict confidentiality and privacy throughout the event.

    Will there be a guest speaker?
    As we finalize the event details, our priority is to provide ample opportunities for 1-on-1 meetings with potential matches. While we're focusing on facilitating these interactions, we're also considering the possibility of having a guest speaker. Stay tuned for updates as we work to ensure an enriching and fulfilling experience for all attendees.

    What will happen in unllkely event of event cancellation?
    We will notify everyone through phone calls, text message as soon as possible. Any entry fees will be refunded in full immediately.


    Following unprecedent demand for the event, we've secured an alternative event space to hold additional candidates. If you are interested in coming, please reach out via Whatsapp +1-647-786-0087 and we will try our best to accomodate you.

    \Note: Profiles of all candidates confirmed available on our app at


    Please reach out to us via Whatsapp with your questions. We might not reply right away but rest assured we will get back to you soon. Please include as much information as you can in your message.